What is Keratoconus? Keratoconus is a progressive disease affecting the front window of the eye and the cornea. It results in poor vision that cannot be corrected fully with glasses. While it usually begins in the late teenage years, it can start in the 20s or early...
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Retinal Detachment
What is retinal detachment? The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the inner posterior portion of the eye. It consists of cells called photoreceptors (rods and cones). These cells transmit light from the eye to the brain allowing us to see. A...
Digital Eye Strain
Research is showing a rise in the detection of visual problems because of the number of hours spent in front of a computer. Uncorrected hyperopia or myopia, astigmatism and wearing multifocals can all make computer use less comfortable and efficient. Depending on your...
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